
“The joker’s function is not that of facilitator, the joker is (in Boal-speak) a difficultator, undermining easy judgments, reinforcing our grasp of the complexity of a situation, not letting that complexity get in the way of action or frighten us into submission or inactivity. Things aren’t always what they seem, it says; let’s try and do something about them” (Jackson, 1994, pp. xix-xx).

Arvind Singhal’s advice to me on December 24, 2011, excerpted from our Facebook conversation and pieced together like a poem (not hard to do when his words are so lyrical):

Compassion to oneself is key
Go easy on yourself, be nimble, playful
Make some mistakes
Learn, plow ahead wiser
And more curious
I.e improv

Be serious about play
Playful in work, I mean

“Closure” is key
Close projects!
Have deliverables
Each deliverable should be your reward
Begin w low hanging
They are important for nourishment

Jackson, A. (1994). Translator’s introduction. In A. Boal, The Rainbow of Desire: The Boal Method of Theatre and Therapy (A. Jackson, Trans.). New York: Routledge. (Original work published 1995).

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